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Christopher Robbins, Founder and CEO of Familius, has been in the publishing industry since 1992. When he launched Familius in 2012, he needed a royalty management system that was efficient, affordable, and scalable. “I wanted a system,” he says, “That with a push of a button would give me my royalty statements and not take a lot of time.”
Megan Trank is the client manager for financial statements for IPG, the leading book distribution and sales company. She previously oversaw accounting and royalties, among other responsibilities, for a small independent book publisher. In both roles, she used MetaComet’s Royalty Tracker® to drastically reduce the time she spent calculating royalties, distributing statements, and providing guidance to royalty recipients.
The largest private audiobook production company in the US radically upgraded its royalty management process using MetaComet® software. By adopting Royalty Tracker® and Sales Aggregator, John Marshall Media and Lantern Audio Distribution saved multiple days of work per quarter, eliminated errors in calculations, and streamlined the payment process.
Nelson is Canada’s leading K–12 educational publisher, currently distributing thousands of products and managing tens of thousands of royalty agreements.
California-based Dragonblade Publishing is a boutique publisher specializing in historical romance. Here, Director of Operations Shawn Morrison explains the background and benefits of Dragonblade’s partnership with MetaComet Systems.
About Trafalgar Square Vermont-based Trafalgar Square Books was founded in the early 1970s, and has grown into one of the world’s most respected specialists in books on horses and equestrian sport. Since the early 1990s it has also become known for its craft books in areas including knitting, crochet, weaving, sewing and embroidery. It publishes […]
Good royalty management makes publishers leaner, faster and safer. Here’s how MetaComet® Systems’ solutions sharpened one top publisher’s practices For some publishers, royalty management can be a chore—a process that soaks up time and frustrates publishers and authors alike. But royalty automation and software solutions from MetaComet® Systems have transformed it into a far simpler, speedier and more precise […]
Tis the season, right? Agent Kristen at Pub Rants is certainly caught up in the spirit, and has the decorations to prove it: a desk full of royalty statements. Yes, it’s high royalty season – the period in late Fall, before the close of the fiscal year, when publishers are tallying volumes and percentages at […]
The Challenge: Soho Press is a boutique publisher, dedicated to publishing as an art. Since 1987, Soho’s mission has been to “publish good books well….whatever is interesting, moving and well written,” earning both mainstream success and a cult following, for its stylish satire, literary fiction, and noir-ish thrillers and mysteries. Dedication to artistic and literary […]
The Challenge: Silver Moon Press is a growing publisher for the school and library markets. They used Excel to track sales of each title and to generate and print invoices. At the end of each six-month royalty period, they tallied everything up all over again. The process required lots of keystrokes, many steps and, frankly, […]