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IPG Podcast – Part 2

IPG Podcast – Part 2Eliminating Stress from Royalty Management: Hear MetaComet on the IPG Podcast Part 2 MetaComet President David Marlin was a recent guest on the UK Independent Publishers Guild’s...

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IPG Podcast – Part One

IPG Podcast – Part OneEliminating Stress from Royalty Management: Hear MetaComet on the IPG Podcast Part 1 MetaComet President David Marlin was a recent guest on the UK Independent Publishers...

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Don’t Get Hacked – Protect Your Royalties

Don’t Get Hacked – Protect Your RoyaltiesThe transition to digital methods in publishing in the last couple decades has delivered some amazing efficiencies and improvements - but it has raised a few...

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Three Best Practices in Royalty Management

Three Best Practices in Royalty Management

Adopting best practices is beneficial to businesses in just about every industry - but when you’re dealing with royalties, it’s essential. If you draw at all on licensing agreements and Intellectual...

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Publishing Systems: Build or Buy?

For many independent publishers, the question of how to construct systems to support their business is a critical decision. Software and databases are crucial aspects of any publishing operation,...

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