Rights Management
Royalty Management Services: 3 Best Practices
Royalty management requires impeccable accounting to ensure compliance and internal and external auditability and to maintain positive relationships with partners. This means devoting significant human and technical resources to the process. Failure to properly manage royalties or rights can lead to erroneous payments, broken trust from clients, and negative impact on your bottom line.
Royalty Calculation & Royalty Records: Know the Lifecycle
Royalty records management might be the most confusing part of your business. Mistakes here can cost you money and damage your recipient relationships. To clarify this intimidating process, the MetaComet® team has created the Royalty Management Lifecycle™ model.
Music Copyright Royalties: Are Changes Necessary?
MetaComet SystemsRoyalty automation experts and providers of best-of-breed royalty management solutions. metacomet.com
Royalty Tracker: A Look Back at Our Recent Royalty Management Enhancements
2011 was a great year for the world of royalty and rights management! MetaComet Systems added dozens of new features to its Royalty Tracker platform, making the world’s most powerful rights and royalty software even better (and see below for a sneak peak of what’s coming in 2012). Here is a list of the most […]